The essential question of the Congress of Vienna was what
should people in power do when their power is threatened? We started off
this lesson with the activator. Our activator was to read the background essay
about the Congress of Vienna. We had to examine the essay and read about the
attendees from the five different countries, the questions being addressed by
the Congress of Vienna, and figure out the mood and nature of the Congress of
Vienna. The attendees were all very wealthy andwere used to getting what they
wanted and when they wanted it. The representatives that attend were from
Austria, France, Prussia, Great Britain, and Russia. The attendee from Austria
was Prince Metternich. He was elegant, sophisticated, vain, and excelled in the
arts of seduction. The attendee from France was Prince Charles-Maurice de
Talleyrand. Almost all accusations made against him were true and according to Madame
de la Tour du Pin he was the most enchanting man she had ever known. Representing
Prussia was the most volatile and hot-tempered of the attendees. Frederick
William III, their king, brought one of the largest most educated and
hardworking delegations. Representing Great Britain was Viscount Castlereagh. He
was an unfriendly and strange gentleman who had recently caused a scandal in London. Lastly, Tsar Alexander represented Russia. He
was a man of sudden impulse and excess. According to the article, “his sexual
appetites were insatiable.” These five delegates achieved what they had hoped
to and the treaty was signed on June 9th, 1815.
Scene from the Congress of Vienna.
With Napoleon defeated, the map of Europe had to be adjusted
and Metternich and the other powerful people at the Congress of Vienna had to
come up with a new map that everyone agreed on. Their final decision include Balance of Power. They would bring
French territory back to its boundaries as existed prior to the expansion. Prussian
territory would be expanded to surround France with a stronger neighbor. Also,
they would border France with the Netherlands and Austria and Russia would gain
additional territory. The land redistribution between the countries will ensure
Balance of power among the allies in the face of any later French expansion
I think the people at the Congress of Vienna made the right
choice of ensuring a Balance of power among the five countries. I don’t think
that there was a better way to react that would have served more people. They all
agreed on the changes to the map and all of the changes will help protect against
any future attempts at French expansion.
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